Thursday, February 14, 2013

Have you been in a "High Demand Group"?

Have you tried examining how your experience with the Legion could affect your faith life?

Is the effects of the Legion similar to the effects of belonging to a cult; if you dont like the word, then
"High Pressure/Demand Group

this is a recent posting on LinkedIn

Andrea Moore-Emmett • I think the dearth of comments are due to the high number of discussions and relatively small number of people using Linkedin, or if they do use it, it is mainly for connections/networking. 

The definition of what is or what is not a cult can be pejorative, that is true. Few would argue that Heaven's Gate or Jonestown qualify. I personally defer to the work of Robert J Lifton and Margaret Thaler Singer among others including Michael Langone. Using a very, very nutshell explanation there are "three basic characteristics: totalistic or thought-reform-like practices, a shift from worship of spiritual principles to worship of the person of the guru or leader, and a combination of spiritual quest from below and exploitation, usually economic or sexual." Lifton, pg 11, Destroying The World To Save It.
There is much more to understanding what defines a cult, but for lack of space that is a good start.