Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Battle with Depression in the Legion of Christ

Paul Lennon says in his conversations with author of Dying to Live, 
Merica Saint John,

i read your post with interest; it is coming from a Christian perspective and features depression etc. I find that interesting. In my bio Our Father Maciel who art in bed I decribe being depressed or in 'spiritual crisis' as a result of being in a very oppressive Catholic Order, the Legion of Christ -presently under Vatican supervision. As a recovered former Legionary and now licenced professional counselor and based on my personal experience I wonder whether your depression was "endemic" or "environmental", as a result of your milieu or circumstances. I hear you questioning professionals for "over-diagnosing" you and believe there can be much truth in that. I continued to struggle with my depression through ordination as a priest and even into missionary work in Quintana Roo, Mexico. After 23 years with the order I began my clinical recovery with a former Jesuit counselor! It seems that you were able to "keep the faith" despite it all. I consider the struggle with "Divine Providence" an ongoing theme in both our lives. I wish you every success with your books. Something is telling me my story is even less "pie in the sky" than yours. Despite my shocking title, however, my bio does not focus principally on clergy sex abuse though it includes some experiences and discussion. Good luck!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Te felicito Paul por tu valentía al da a conocer tu depresión, es la llave para salir de ella.
